
Madusanka Gajadeera
3 min readApr 23, 2021


React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces and UI modules that are open source. Facebook and a community of independent developers and companies work together to keep it running. Netflix, Airbnb, Instagram, and the New York Times are only a few of the big, existing businesses that use it.

Why React

· Easy creation of dynamic applications

In comparison to JavaScript, where code can easily become complicated, react makes it easy to build interactive web applications because it needs less coding and has more features.

· Reusable Components

Components are the fundamental building blocks of any React program, and most apps have several components. These modules have their own logic and controls, and they can be replicated in the program, reducing the production time significantly.

· Small learning curve

React is simple to understand since it blends common HTML and JavaScript concepts with some useful enhancements. Still, as with most tools and frameworks, learning React’s library takes time.

· Dedicated tools for easy debugging

A Chrome plugin for debugging React apps has been launched by Facebook. Debugging React web apps became much quicker and simpler as a result of this.

· Can be used to develop both web and mobile apps

We all know that React is used to create web applications, but it’s not the only thing it can do. React Native is a common platform that is derived from React itself and is used to create beautiful mobile applications. React can also be used to create both online and smartphone apps.

· Unidirectional data flow

The data flow in React is unidirectional. As a result, developers often nest child components inside parent components when creating a React app. Since data travels in a common path, debugging errors and determining where a problem exists in an application for every given time becomes simpler.

· Improved Performance

React uses Virtual DOM to speed up the development of web applications. Instead of upgrading all of the components again, as traditional web applications do, Virtual DOM compares the components’ previous states and updates only the elements in the Real DOM that have modified.

Advantages of React

· Makes the whole task of writing components easier.

· Improves efficiency and facilitates further maintenance.

· Ensures code stability

· Ensures a more rapid rendering

· Search system optimization-friendly

· A selection of useful developer tools

· Focused and easy-to-learn

· backed up by a strong community

Disadvantages of React

· The high pace of development.

· JSX as a barrier.

· Poor documentation

Features of React

· Performance

· Components

· One-way data binding

· Extensions

· Debugging

· Virtual DOM


